Reasoning Club for Groups of Schools
Reasoning Club allows schools to come together to explore a love of mathematics.
Magical Mathematics
30 children: 6 each from 5 different schools, work together and independently to develop their skills in problem solving, teamwork, communication and resilience.
Reasonable Reasoning
Charged at £10 per pupil, per session, sending a group of children to reasoning club can be less than £500 per year. All it requires is a group of schools willing to join up and a school to act as host.
Reasoning Club:
Primarily for Y6 children
Eight sessions over the academic year
Three in autumn, three in spring and one in summer before Sats
A final session in summer 2 where, as well as being a celebration of everything they have learned, teams from each school compete against each other to complete the most tasks.
4-6 challenging and exciting tasks in each session
Access to all resources
£10 per pupil per session
Requires groups of schools to work together (minimum 20 pupils per session)
Schools must book all eight sessions.