Joy of Maths CPD
Our training is unique in that we deliver it in your classroom, with your pupils.
Be an observer in your own classroom!
Exciting, engaging, challenging; children and teachers love our sessions! They enable all children to get involved and allow teachers to see how their pupils respond to the activities - to see and hear the excitement!
Whilst we teach the class, the teacher observes the strategies and resources we use. They are able to see what pupils can do whilst building up a bank of exciting, engaging and thought provoking teaching strategies that are adaptable to any group of children.
We offer our CPD for years 1-6 and bespoke timetables and packages are generated for every school.
Following on from recent successful Inset training at Heald Place Primary School in Rusholme, we are now also offering Inset CPD training for groups of staff and even whole schools.
Whilst teachers do not get to watch how pupls learn within their own class, whole school CPD has the benefit of teachers being able to see how our approaches are adaptable to any classroom and any group of pupils - after all whoever wnated to stay in year 6 forever! Seriously though, quite often teachers move year groups and having a go to bank of activties and resources thatcan e easily adapted saves so much time and removes a great deal of anxiety. And all the the activities are of the highest quality.